
2023.07.24 04:37:48 -








Having rough hands is a common problem, especially after experiencing prolonged periods of cold and dry weather or frequent hand washing. This issue not only affects our appearance but may also cause discomfort and pain. So, what can we do to tackle this problem?

Firstly, we can consider changing our hand-washing habits. While it is important to practice good hygiene by washing our hands frequently, excessive use of soap and hot water can further dry out our hands. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the frequency of using soap and the temperature of the water while washing hands. Opt for a mild and moisturizing hand wash and pat your hands dry with a soft towel after washing.

Secondly, hydration is crucial in improving rough hands. Choosing a hand cream that suits your skin type is essential. Although there are numerous brands and types available in the market, one of the highly recommended products by dermatologists is the Run Feng hand cream. It not only provides exceptional moisturization but also has an excellent reputation. However, its important to avoid excessive use of hand cream to prevent absorption issues and greasiness.

In addition, some homemade remedies are also effective for hand care. For instance, soaking your hands in warm olive oil before bedtime and wearing a pair of cotton gloves overnight can help maintain warmth and moisture. Alternatively, applying natural moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera gel, honey, or milk after washing hands could effectively improve rough hands.

Furthermore, paying attention to the details of our daily life is crucial. Avoid frequent contact with irritating chemicals and rough objects, such as dishwashing liquid, detergents, and laundry powder. When performing household chores, it is advisable to wear a pair of waterproof and durable rubber gloves to reduce skin damage. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet also contributes to improving rough hands. Consuming foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as zinc and selenium, can promote skin health and repair.

In conclusion, having rough hands is not an incurable problem. With proper care and moisturization, along with some changes in our habits, we can effectively improve the condition of our hands. Choose a hand cream suitable for your skin type, pay attention to the small details in daily life, and restore the softness and smoothness of your hands to showcase confident beauty.


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